Sunday, November 11, 2012


On a lazy Sunday morning when I wake up with absolutely no plans for the day, I prefer to spend some quality time in my kitchen. Trying my hands on something to surprise my taste buds..
This time it’s LASAGNA, it’s an Italian dish made with flat pasta, different sauces and baked in an oven.
And yes it is a time consuming process…at least this version that I tried, with two sauces, vegetables and chicken.
I have used flat pasta which does not require any precooking. Before starting with the Lasagna assembly one have to be ready with all the ingredients, Like I blanched the spinach and seasoned it with pepper and salt, prepared a garlic, onion, tomato and mushroom gravy with red chilies in it, white sauce with little nutmeg in it, and of course lots and lots of mozzarella and parmesan cheese J

And let the layering begin..

Just one slice of this delicious treat will keep you full for hours!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Mumbai to Goa, via road…Mumbai-Pune-Satara-Kolhapur-Sawantwadi-Panaji (approx. 600KM)… just two of us…in the month of August…for 7days…at Varca beach…”sounds crazy- who goes to Goa during monsoons…hmm.. I am in!!!
Just last minute packing..stuffing luggage in our car…and in few minutes we are on the  road!! All great vacations are exactly planned like this!
GOA= Sand, beaches, cocktails, sea-food sea-food sea-food, an ultimate fun-filled vacation.
Last time we visited North Goa with couple of friends in the month of december. This is our second trip together, but this time we chose South Goa, Club Mahindra resort at Varca beach .
It is simply a magical experience; Goa in the rains is really serene and peaceful. There was a lot of greenery and beaches looked completely different. Perfect romantic gateway from hustle and bustle of the big city life.
On the way
Way to Varca beach from the resort

Varca beach

@ resort

One of my favorite restaurants in Goa, Fisherman’s wharf

View from Fisherman’s wharf

View from Fisherman’s wharf

Some drinks we enjoyed
And there was some serious eating..
very serious eating..
Aguada Fort

Aguada Fort
@ Aguada Fort

Definitely we will be coming back again! Third time J

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012