Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hospital Bag

We had almost finished shopping for baby clothing, furniture, feeding, bedding, bathing, changing, pushchair & toys stuff by the end of my 37th week of pregnancy.

Then the next target was to prepare the hospital bag for baby and myself. In the 36th week itself I started removing labels from all the new clothes which indeed started my big laundry project (which lasted up to 39th week due to last minute additions in my shopping list).
I washed all our (me + baby) clothes with non-bio washing products. After drying them nicely in sun I ironed all the clothes and started with the bag backing.

I decided to prepare total three bags for the hospital
Labour bag, Post birth bag & Baby bag

Labour bag

Birth Plan

Comfortable clothes to wear in labour- Even though hospitals provide a gown my midwife suggested me to carry my own clothes to wear for more comfort during labour . So I bought this dark colored, long, loose fitting, full sleeves, cotton top with front opening buttons (for easy skin to skin after birth and possible breastfeeding)

Dressing gown- Another loose fitting gown to wear, if I end up pacing in hospital corridors in early labour.  It’s a nice lightweight gown as hospitals can be warm.

Slippers- that are easy to get on and off.

Socks- To avoid my feet get cold during labour.

Lip Balm


Snacks and Drinks- We decided to stock up on some nutritious cereal bars, chocolates and isotonic sports drinks to keep me going during labour.

Digital Camera- fully charged

Birth partner clothes- A set of spare clothes for my husband.

Water spray- If required to cool me down.

Music- It’s recommended by the hospital to carry your own choice of music to help you relax in labour. But I am not planning to carry anything really, as for me silence works the best.

Post birth bag

Front opening cloths/ Night wear
Nursing Bras
Nursing pads
Maternity briefs- Big cotton granny knickers can be useful if I end up having a caesarean, as they won't rub on the wound.
Maternity Towels
Belly  Bandit
Toiletries- Travel versions of body wash, moisturizer, tooth paste, toothbrush, mouthwash, deodorant, hair band, hair clips, face wipes, stretch marks cream, shampoo, conditioner, sanitizer, mirror towel, hairbrush etc.

I-pad/ Mobile phone

Baby Bag

Baby Clothes- Sleepsuits, vests, socks, hats, mittens: 3 Each
Baby Blanket
Baby Swaddle
Going-home outfit- for myself and baby

We are all set when the time comes!!
And in the end a properly fitted car seat for our journey together home :)

Friday, August 1, 2014

Baby Movements

After entering into my second trimester I was most excited about feeling the baby movements. Usually they start during 18-20 weeks, but in my case even after the 20th week I didn’t feel a thing. My midwife said I should start to feel it any time from now and it will feel like butter flies in your stomach. I was not worried exactly as I knew it’s only a concern if you don’t feel them up to 24th week. But still I wanted it to happen sooner!

During my 22nd week, one day when I was sitting in our living room reading some magazine it happened for the first time!! At first it just felt like gas bubbles in my stomach so I ignored. Then in few minutes the movements become more dominant and rhythmic then I knew this is it!! I was so excited at that moment I called Jai and he could feel it too. I had tears in my eyes, during the scans we definitely saw her moving but it was the very first time when we could feel our baby’s existence with touch. It was one of the most exciting moments of my pregnancy.

As the weeks passed these gentle movements turned into actions I could easily distinguish. I know when she is kicking, rolling, turning or how her hiccups feels like. She is getting stronger day by day. Sometimes when I get busy in my daily routine, through these movements I feel like she trying take my attention towards her. It’s a great feeling of having someone so close to you that you can feel them all the time. These fluttering movements are making me fall in love with my bump. I know now why pregnancy feels like bliss!!

In the beginning of third trimester scan we saw she has settled in a breech position, no wonder why I was feeling so many sharp kicks down there on my bladder (she is quite a karate kid). Sometimes it can be very discomforting but still bearable. Sometimes I also feel the strong thrusts she makes with her head at the top of my stomach. She also likes to take long and frequent naps. My snacking, sudden movement, resting on left hand side, or loud music wakes her up. I think she can also feel the temperature difference when I eat/
drink something very cold or during hot baths.

While she is awake I try and play soothing music which she might feel familiar with after birth. We try and talk to her together every day, I also have quite movements with her alone. Initially I felt I am talking to myself, but now I truly feel she can hear and understand me. I do tell her stories, sometime I also sing my favorite songs to her. It makes me really happy when she responds to it.

We also tried pointing torch on my belly just to see if she reacts to the source of light, and she did, she made some sudden movements. But I was not sure if she really liked it, so we never tried it again.

My midwife has asked me to count baby movements every day after 28th week. So I count them twice a day morning and evening. As long as you feel 10 movements in one hour twice a day it should be fine. I try and relax or lay down so that it’s easier to count, also the baby moves a lot when you are laying down. Eating something sweet or sleeping on left side also help them to get moving.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Third trimester

My third trimester was full of activities and really kept me busy. I wasn’t as relaxed and calm as I was in my first and second trimesters. The preparations for baby's arrival were endless; we were shopping till my 40th week and it really helped me stay fit and active throughout this trimester.

By this time I was getting used to being pregnant and I really loved every moment of it. All my pre pregnancy clothes were started to look weird on me. So did a lot of clothes shopping in the beginning of this trimester. There was a lot going on at home, we were renovating re-arranging furniture, buying all baby nursery stuff, shopping for baby clothes and all the other baby items! Every evening we used to sit and talk about what all we have done and what’s still pending from the list.

My parents have decided to visit us here in Aberdeen during my delivery. I am really excited about their arrival. Plus we don’t want to be alone during this special time of our lives; it’s always good to be surrounded by family and loved ones to share your happiness. I have seen Jai supporting me in all possible ways in this tough time. He’s been actively doing all the important chores around the house which he never did before :p And I am so sure that he can take care of me, baby and Tigger Champ in any possible situation. But I am really really happy that my parents will be here to help him out with things and also be here for our emotional support.

Other than planning for baby’s arrival there is nothing much going on. I am not suffering with any pregnancy symptoms as such, other than occasional heartburn and skin changes due to pregnancy hormones. Skin on my face has started looking dull and lifeless, complexion is looking darker. But my hair fall has completely stopped. Unlike old times every time when I brush or wash my hair I don’t see a single hair fall…unbelievable but true. Pregnancy hormones do create this magic!!!!
My third trimester 'must buy' is this belly support belt, because of this one thing I managed to stay away from lower back pain. It really provides necessary support that you belly needs during exercising and walking for long hours. Can’t imagine myself without it (real back saver!)

During the 36th week we attended the Antenatal classes together, which included information about caring for your baby, breastfeeding, what happens during labour and birth, coping with labour and information about different types of pain relief, relaxation techniques, information about birth and different kind of interventions, emotions and feelings during pregnancy, birth and after etc.
These classes really helped us prepare for our baby better and gave us confidence from within to finalize our birth plan.

Every day now when I look at my belly I think, it can’t possibly get any bigger!! But it surprises me every week. No stretch marks though!! Got to love that :) also it’s a warm satisfaction to know that my baby is growing well. The baby movement are growing and becoming stronger day by day.
Our baby was breech till the end of 37th week, the consultant told us to either go for an ECV or plan for an elective cesarean. So after a lot of thoughtfulness we decided to go for the ECV. This indeed was a very pleasant experience, as not only the baby turned willingly but also was looking very happy and comfortable after the procedure.

Just 3 days before my ECV we had planned for our pre-pregnancy photo-shoot. It lasted for an hour or so, but through those pictures it gave us the memories of those wonderful nine months of togetherness and happiness that we shared.

How far along: 40 weeks
Weight gain: total 9 KGS (including 1st trimester)
BabyGender: we both feel it’s a baby girl
Maternity clothes: did loads of shopping.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: completely out
Sleep: Restless sleep.
Best moment:
Movements: movements are getting stronger and receptive day by day
Missing anything: adventurous physical activities like running, swimming, trekking etc.
Cravings: absolutely nothing

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Second ultrasound

My second ultrasound scan or anomaly scan was scheduled on 21st week of pregnancy. Unlike the first trimester scan full bladder was not required for this one, as the baby is big enough to be seen very clearly.

As usual we reached on time at the hospital for this very important scan. Yes, this scan is really very important as it takes closer look at your baby and your uterus; they check how your baby is growing and make sure baby's internal organs are developing well, estimate the amount of amniotic fluid and also check the position of the placenta.

It was really fun to watch baby this time as we could see all the body parts very clearly and also it was moving quite a lot. The sonographer lady showed us the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, spine and also baby's lil arms, legs, hands and feet. Our baby gave her a tough time showing the face, as it was covered with one hand. She just pointed out that jai was sitting in exactly same position at that very moment (like father like son/ daughter!!). I moved little on my sideways and the baby moved and we could see its face with adorable eyes. It was really mesmerizing.

Then my questions started about not feeling any baby movements yet, then she explained that its due to the position of the placenta, while the baby is kicking the placenta acts like a cushion due to its position in uterus and I should start feeling them anytime soon.

She also mentioned that my placenta is lying little low/ close to cervix and I will need another scan from a consultant/ doctor. She also mentioned in my case the placenta is most likely to move upwards and we shouldn’t worry at all and then she booked me for another scan next week.

We knew we shouldn’t worry or get tensed at this moment but its really hard not to worry when things aren’t normal. We reached home and I searched for every possible information about low lying placenta and keenly waited for the next scan.

After seeing the consultant he mentioned that my placenta is 1cm away from cervix and for a normal delivery it should be at least 2cm away. Placenta previa appearing during second trimester of pregnancy generally tend to go away by the time woman reaches her full term. And according to him my placenta is likely to move upwards as the uterus expands. So bottom line is there’s nothing much we can do at this moment other than praying for the placenta to move up by 28th week of pregnancy.

After waiting for weeks, today I had my 29 weeks scan with the Doctor. We both were so happy and relieved to get this good news that, my placenta moved 2.5cm already. Yeiii!! And we also got another glimpse of our little princess. Did I say princess!!! Its just a inner thought today during the scan we both felt it’s a baby girl :) We could also see her hairs waving in the amniotic fluid.

At present the baby is in a breech position (which is a bottom-down position). Usually it is a temporary position in third trimester. According to the doctor baby should settle in head down position by the end of 36th week.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Second trimester

Second trimester

My second trimester started pretty well. In my 11thweek of pregnancy one day I woke up and all my pregnancy symptoms were gone, everything was back to normal again.
Somewhere in my heart I started getting a heavenly feeling that, On a breezy spring day, I am sitting on a swing of a lovely garden, wearing a beautiful white dress, birds are chirping, lovely flowers everywhere. I am gently caressing my belly thinking about all the upcoming moments of joy and love. Wishing this moment never ends. In this time I realized yes, pregnancy is amazing.

14th- 27th Week
Baby is very, very busy in the second trimester. Baby is sprouting hair, ears and eyes are moving into their correct positions, its starting to suck and swallow, can yawn and hiccup, fingerprints are appearing, developing senses start to smell, taste, see, and hear. All this Sounds so blissful, we got another glimpse of our angel in the second ultrasound scan.

I started feeling more energetic in this trimester, decreasing need to urinate frequently, breasts aren't quite as tender as they were last trimester, nausea was gone like it never existed, appetite was increasing.

Nasal congestion: started feeling nasal congestion in the first few weeks of second trimester. This also happens due to change in hormones,  high levels of estrogen and progesterone increase blood flow to mucous membranes in the body (including the nose), which causes them to swell and soften.
I started using a neti pot which helps in washing the nasal cavity to flush out excess mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses.

Weight Gain: My weight gain is not drastic but I am seeing slight increase as weeks are passing. I could  see weight gain on my belly, boobs, bums and face. 
As per my midwife my fundal height is perfectly equal to the number of weeks I am pregnant. (Fundal height is the distance from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus, and this height in centimeters should roughly be equal to the number of weeks of pregnancy)

Lower Back pain: As the expanding uterus shifts your center of gravity and stretches out it weakens the abdominal muscles putting strain on your back. In my case it felt like its pressing on a nerve. As I usually sleep on my back, the pain becomes unbearable causing me to switch positions and move to my sides in sleep. Getting comfortable in bed isn't easy anymore. Experts recommend that pregnant women should not sleep on their backs during the second and third trimesters because of the weight of the growing uterus and baby pressing the vena cava, the main vein that carries blood back to the heart from lower body region.
Best bedtime bet is to lie on your side, this was making me forget this pain. Regular exercising and walking also helps in reducing it.

Tingling hands: Pregnancy swelling puts pressure on a key nerve in the wrists and causes the aching and tingling symptoms. I am feeling this more in the night or early morning, it's because the fluids that accumulate in the lower part of your body during the day are redistributed elsewhere, including hands, when you lie down.
Trying not to sleep on my hands, but its really difficult as I cannot sleep on my back due to lower back pain. It's mild and should be temporary; as they say it disappears soon after baby is born.

Snoring: My husband says I do but I have my doubts. Snoring is quite common during pregnancy since increased blood flow to mucous membranes in nose can cause congestion.

Occasional Heartburn or indigestion: started feeling this sometimes only after 22 weeks, I realized if I have oily and Spicy heavy meals or chocolates it gives me a feeling of heartburn. This happens because your hormones relax the valve at the top of your stomach. This causes a small amount of stomach acid, to surge upwards into your throat (most disgusting feeling)
Eating small meal frequently is the answer. Also Avoid tea, coffee, spicy, oily, sugary stuff and don’t drink a lot of liquid with food. Have your food at least 2-3 hours before sleeping as gravity may trigger this. Sleeping with your head up with 2 pillows also helped me.

Tums provide quick relief from heartburn, these are calcium carbonate-based antacid tablets and are safe to take during pregnancy as long as you don’t take them along with your Iron supplements. On the packet it says pregnant women can take 7 tablets in a day, but only 1-2 tablets make me feel better (a must have for pregnancy)

Linea Nigra: A light vertical line started to appear on my belly after 22 weeks. It is caused by pigmentation, again due to hormone changes.
But the good news is this line should fade away in few weeks after giving birth.

Occasional headaches: I guess this is not even worth mentioning but yes I felt headaches a couple of times, this also happens due to hormonal changes. But it just goes away in few hours just avoiding any medications.

Here are other second trimester symptoms which I luckily didn’t have to go through like, Varicose veins, Leg cramps, Bleeding gums, Stretch marks, swelling of ankles and feet, Constipation, Protruding navel, migraines, lower abdominal achiness, Restless legs syndrome, vision changes- Thank god for that!

How far along: 27 weeks
Weight gain: total 7 KGS (including 1sttrimester)
BabyGender: Unknown
Maternity clothes: Bought a couple of dresses from mother care but still managing with my regular clothes.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Partially out
Sleep: Restless sleep.
Best moment: Feeling baby movements for the first time and every time :)
Movements: can feel my angel all the time kicking, rolling and fluttering 
Missing anything: White Wine
Cravings: Nothing yet.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Visit to London- part 2

We had taken combined tickets online for London Eye + Madame Tussauds + SEA LIFE, so later in the evening we chose to visit London eye.

First of all let me tell you that London eye is one of the most fascinating mega structure for me. A visit to London eye has always been in my bucket list ever since I saw the movie Fantastic four (for that most memorable superhero action scene)

Even though the location was flooded with tourists I must say the ride was well organized, peaceful and quiet. It was easy to get inside the capsule as it has just enough people in it so you don't feel over crowded.
After getting inside the capsule it was a 30 minutes smooth and relaxing ride with some of the most breath taking views of the entire city. But more than the views, I remember us spending most of the time admiring this immense cantilever construction.

The design has two large tapered legs that stand apart, they are held upright by cable ties. Together this supports a load of the wheel, the rim, capsules and cables. The spindle itself carries load and cantilevers the wheel which rotates over the River Thames. How is that not fascinating!!!!

The day had come to an end we spent our evening having dinner at a fancy romantic Indian restaurant. It was a perfect way to end this special day in our memories.