7 th – 13thweek
In the 7th week of pregnancy we had our first mid wife visit, in which they checked my height, weight, blood pressure, family history etc. and helped me plan for the future agenda (my nine month calendar for all checkups).
I started feeling the following pregnancy symptoms 7thweek onwards and they nearly lasted up to 11th week.
Fatigue: I noticed I am getting too tired at the end of the day. Sometimes I am not doing anything just lying in bed still I used to feel exhausted. Even small activities made me feel short of breath. This continued for few more weeks. It is obvious to get tired as my body was engaged in task of manufacturing my baby’s life-support system.
One way to fight fatigue is by eating smaller and healthier meals more often. Take frequent breaks whenever your body asks for one. This helps in maintaining energy level.
Increased sense of smell: This was worst of them all (my personal opinion). I was turned into a supersensitive sniffer dog. I could smell things that I had never smelled in my life before that too on a very acute level. Mixed smell of different foods coming from super markets, canteens, food court, smell of freshly prepare daal (lentils) all of them were driving me nuts.
I found out there is nothing much you can do about this crazy stuff that your hormones are making you go through. Surround yourself with some scents that may make you feel better coffee, mint, ginger, and lemons worked for me. I also preferred eating raw vegetables, multigrain crackers and fruits, basically food items without any strong smell.
Nausea: This tuned me into someone else. I am a kind of a person who likes to be busy all the time but this turned me into a lazy punk. All I wanted to do is nothing; I could see my emotions were all over the place. I was getting skeptical about my decision of having a baby. I didn’t wanted to go through this feeling for next seven-eight months. I was restless in the night, couldn’t sleep, started taking frequent naps during the day time. Thanks to my darling husband who tolerated this cranky version of me, all this time. They say women who experience some nausea are significantly less likely to miscarry than those who don’t. uuuhh..ok. In the end I was lucky as my Nausea was completely gone by the end of 11th week. Wupii!!!
My husband got me a pair of wrist bands which really helped me prevent my nausea most of the times (I highly recommend using these). Battle this queasiness by eating small snacks that combine protein and complex carbs —multigrain crackers, yogurt and oranges, lemons juice (for me lime juice was like a drink from heaven). I was keeping a pack of multigrain snacks on my night stand. There was a lot of munching going on during night time due to sleep deprivation :p
Breast tenderness and changes: Breast started to grow had to change my cup size by the end of the trimester. Well some changes are not that bad.
Increased vaginal discharge: Yet another bodily fluid introduced it protects the birth canal from infection by maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria.
Frequent urination: ‘when you are eating for too, you are peeing for two’ also as the uterus is growing and it’s putting pressure on bladder too. In the last few months of 1sttrimester my water intake increased tremendously hence frequent peeing.
There are other symptoms too which luckily I didn’t have to go through like- Heartburn or indigestion, Constipation, Bloating. I guess eating right is the key – High fiber diet is really helping me a lot.
How far along: 12 weeks
Weight gain: 3 KGS
BabyGender: Unknown
Maternity clothes: Still wearing my regular clothes.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Too much.
Best moment: Going to our first Ultrasound!
Movements: None I can feel, but it's jumping around in there.
Missing anything: Pizza and coke
Cravings: Nothing really.