My second ultrasound scan or anomaly scan was scheduled on 21st week of pregnancy. Unlike the first trimester scan full bladder was not required for this one, as the baby is big enough to be seen very clearly.
As usual we reached on time at the hospital for this very important scan. Yes, this scan is really very important as it takes closer look at your baby and your uterus; they check how your baby is growing and make sure baby's internal organs are developing well, estimate the amount of amniotic fluid and also check the position of the placenta.
It was really fun to watch baby this time as we could see all the body parts very clearly and also it was moving quite a lot. The sonographer lady showed us the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, spine and also baby's lil arms, legs, hands and feet. Our baby gave her a tough time showing the face, as it was covered with one hand. She just pointed out that jai was sitting in exactly same position at that very moment (like father like son/ daughter!!). I moved little on my sideways and the baby moved and we could see its face with adorable eyes. It was really mesmerizing.
Then my questions started about not feeling any baby movements yet, then she explained that its due to the position of the placenta, while the baby is kicking the placenta acts like a cushion due to its position in uterus and I should start feeling them anytime soon.
She also mentioned that my placenta is lying little low/ close to cervix and I will need another scan from a consultant/ doctor. She also mentioned in my case the placenta is most likely to move upwards and we shouldn’t worry at all and then she booked me for another scan next week.
We knew we shouldn’t worry or get tensed at this moment but its really hard not to worry when things aren’t normal. We reached home and I searched for every possible information about low lying placenta and keenly waited for the next scan.
After seeing the consultant he mentioned that my placenta is 1cm away from cervix and for a normal delivery it should be at least 2cm away. Placenta previa appearing during second trimester of pregnancy generally tend to go away by the time woman reaches her full term. And according to him my placenta is likely to move upwards as the uterus expands. So bottom line is there’s nothing much we can do at this moment other than praying for the placenta to move up by 28th week of pregnancy.
After waiting for weeks, today I had my 29 weeks scan with the Doctor. We both were so happy and relieved to get this good news that, my placenta moved 2.5cm already. Yeiii!! And we also got another glimpse of our little princess. Did I say princess!!! Its just a inner thought today during the scan we both felt it’s a baby girl :) We could also see her hairs waving in the amniotic fluid.
At present the baby is in a breech position (which is a bottom-down position). Usually it is a temporary position in third trimester. According to the doctor baby should settle in head down position by the end of 36th week.
As usual we reached on time at the hospital for this very important scan. Yes, this scan is really very important as it takes closer look at your baby and your uterus; they check how your baby is growing and make sure baby's internal organs are developing well, estimate the amount of amniotic fluid and also check the position of the placenta.
It was really fun to watch baby this time as we could see all the body parts very clearly and also it was moving quite a lot. The sonographer lady showed us the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, spine and also baby's lil arms, legs, hands and feet. Our baby gave her a tough time showing the face, as it was covered with one hand. She just pointed out that jai was sitting in exactly same position at that very moment (like father like son/ daughter!!). I moved little on my sideways and the baby moved and we could see its face with adorable eyes. It was really mesmerizing.
Then my questions started about not feeling any baby movements yet, then she explained that its due to the position of the placenta, while the baby is kicking the placenta acts like a cushion due to its position in uterus and I should start feeling them anytime soon.
She also mentioned that my placenta is lying little low/ close to cervix and I will need another scan from a consultant/ doctor. She also mentioned in my case the placenta is most likely to move upwards and we shouldn’t worry at all and then she booked me for another scan next week.
We knew we shouldn’t worry or get tensed at this moment but its really hard not to worry when things aren’t normal. We reached home and I searched for every possible information about low lying placenta and keenly waited for the next scan.
After seeing the consultant he mentioned that my placenta is 1cm away from cervix and for a normal delivery it should be at least 2cm away. Placenta previa appearing during second trimester of pregnancy generally tend to go away by the time woman reaches her full term. And according to him my placenta is likely to move upwards as the uterus expands. So bottom line is there’s nothing much we can do at this moment other than praying for the placenta to move up by 28th week of pregnancy.
After waiting for weeks, today I had my 29 weeks scan with the Doctor. We both were so happy and relieved to get this good news that, my placenta moved 2.5cm already. Yeiii!! And we also got another glimpse of our little princess. Did I say princess!!! Its just a inner thought today during the scan we both felt it’s a baby girl :) We could also see her hairs waving in the amniotic fluid.
At present the baby is in a breech position (which is a bottom-down position). Usually it is a temporary position in third trimester. According to the doctor baby should settle in head down position by the end of 36th week.