Are you crazy?
Are you sure you want to do this?
Oh dear please don’t do it!!
What is it that you want to prove?
It will stay with you forever!!
I have heard it’s very painful.
Did you get similar reactions when you decided to go for your first tattoo?? My answer to all these questions is, my body is my temple and I will decorate it the way I want!!
I always wanted to do it and I always kinda knew what it’s going to be…
Tattoo is an old tradition and it has been part of our cultures from many ages, I didn’t do it because it is getting popular in western culture day by day. Tattoo for me is nothing but a way of expressing my deep and purest feelings for a person. Its not to prove something to someone. It is a sign of devotion towards that one thing which you decide to get carved on your body, in order to make it stay with you forever.
My Husband whom I love so dearly, I wanted to get his name tattoo’d on my back as a gift for our wedding anniversary, a sign of my pure undying love for him. My sister was kind enough to help and support me in this decision and joined me to the Tattoo parlor in Bandra.
Yes it was a painful process but totally tolerable, it feels like someone is poking you with a small needle several times for a really long time!! (well..depends on size of your tattoo, mine lasted for around 20 minutes)
But as every other person says after getting a tattoo, I am going to say the same thing- “It’s crazy, insane but totally worth it” Can’t wait to get my second one!!