In my 11th week of pregnancy I was booked for my first ultrasound scan. We both were really eager but also little bit worried, hoping everything goes well.
The purpose of this scan is to confirm the number of babies that you are having and your due date, and to perform the combined nuchal (measurement of space at the back of the baby’s neck) test for Down’s syndrome. On our way to the hospital I drank gallons of water (as per the instructions) in order to have a full bladder before scan. This was my first scan with a baby in my stomach; we were totally clueless of what we are about to see.
A lovely lady welcomed us in the ultrasound room, while laying on the bed I was curiously starring at the monitor. Within few seconds an image started to appear & I saw two tiny little hand, legs, head and some part of rest of the body. Our tiny little angel was already looking a lot like a baby.
I saw jai starring at the screen surprised; he was stunned to see a baby shape and not a blob. On our way to the hospital I had told him that our baby is as big as a plum now (maybe he was expecting to see a plum sized blob..hehe!)
The sonographer took pictures of the baby from different angles, she was telling us in detail about the parts we could see on screen. Then she measured baby’s heart beat & height from head to toe. She was trying to take measurement of the neck but due to my full bladder the our little one was getting too comfortable and was not ready to move. So I had to get up and empty my bladder and see if that makes any difference. Luckily the baby started moving after that and she could take the measurements peacefully.
Seeing our child growing inside my stomach, moving around so comfortably, this was the most magical moment for both of us. Now it really started to feel like we are entering into something completely new and exciting.