Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Third trimester

My third trimester was full of activities and really kept me busy. I wasn’t as relaxed and calm as I was in my first and second trimesters. The preparations for baby's arrival were endless; we were shopping till my 40th week and it really helped me stay fit and active throughout this trimester.

By this time I was getting used to being pregnant and I really loved every moment of it. All my pre pregnancy clothes were started to look weird on me. So did a lot of clothes shopping in the beginning of this trimester. There was a lot going on at home, we were renovating re-arranging furniture, buying all baby nursery stuff, shopping for baby clothes and all the other baby items! Every evening we used to sit and talk about what all we have done and what’s still pending from the list.

My parents have decided to visit us here in Aberdeen during my delivery. I am really excited about their arrival. Plus we don’t want to be alone during this special time of our lives; it’s always good to be surrounded by family and loved ones to share your happiness. I have seen Jai supporting me in all possible ways in this tough time. He’s been actively doing all the important chores around the house which he never did before :p And I am so sure that he can take care of me, baby and Tigger Champ in any possible situation. But I am really really happy that my parents will be here to help him out with things and also be here for our emotional support.

Other than planning for baby’s arrival there is nothing much going on. I am not suffering with any pregnancy symptoms as such, other than occasional heartburn and skin changes due to pregnancy hormones. Skin on my face has started looking dull and lifeless, complexion is looking darker. But my hair fall has completely stopped. Unlike old times every time when I brush or wash my hair I don’t see a single hair fall…unbelievable but true. Pregnancy hormones do create this magic!!!!
My third trimester 'must buy' is this belly support belt, because of this one thing I managed to stay away from lower back pain. It really provides necessary support that you belly needs during exercising and walking for long hours. Can’t imagine myself without it (real back saver!)

During the 36th week we attended the Antenatal classes together, which included information about caring for your baby, breastfeeding, what happens during labour and birth, coping with labour and information about different types of pain relief, relaxation techniques, information about birth and different kind of interventions, emotions and feelings during pregnancy, birth and after etc.
These classes really helped us prepare for our baby better and gave us confidence from within to finalize our birth plan.

Every day now when I look at my belly I think, it can’t possibly get any bigger!! But it surprises me every week. No stretch marks though!! Got to love that :) also it’s a warm satisfaction to know that my baby is growing well. The baby movement are growing and becoming stronger day by day.
Our baby was breech till the end of 37th week, the consultant told us to either go for an ECV or plan for an elective cesarean. So after a lot of thoughtfulness we decided to go for the ECV. This indeed was a very pleasant experience, as not only the baby turned willingly but also was looking very happy and comfortable after the procedure.

Just 3 days before my ECV we had planned for our pre-pregnancy photo-shoot. It lasted for an hour or so, but through those pictures it gave us the memories of those wonderful nine months of togetherness and happiness that we shared.

How far along: 40 weeks
Weight gain: total 9 KGS (including 1st trimester)
BabyGender: we both feel it’s a baby girl
Maternity clothes: did loads of shopping.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: completely out
Sleep: Restless sleep.
Best moment:
Movements: movements are getting stronger and receptive day by day
Missing anything: adventurous physical activities like running, swimming, trekking etc.
Cravings: absolutely nothing